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What Should Pregnant Ladies Eat to Get a Fair Child

Tips During Pregnancy To Have A Fair Baby

Tips During Pregnancy To Have A Fair Baby

Every woman in the world wants her baby to be healthy and charming. Their intention and concern is very explicit since the time they conceive and they are looking to adopt such essential tips and guideline that will help their baby to achieve certain traits in the features. A fair is baby is one of the thing in their women wish list. Dr Archana Dhawan Bajaj – IVF Doctor in Delhi , a renowned and reputed gynecologist & obstetrician and an experienced and expert infertility specialist, has shed tips and guideline about what to do eat that will help you to achieve your dream baby a fair colored skin.

According to her, every Indian has a perceived notion that fair baby can be achieved by some way or other by adhering to the mythological tips which has been prescribed by our elders and older people to the next generation of daughter or daughter-in-law. However, during the time of pregnancy, you are already recommended by the doctors to eat healthy and nutritious food to keep everything good for the baby developing in you. However, pregnant women's cravings for food go over hand. At times, women go beyond limits and eating white foods at the time of their pregnancy, in order to achieve a fair complexion of her baby.

Notwithstanding, science told us, that they is no significant relationship with the fact that you will get a fair baby, if you eat certain foods. It explains that the complexion of the baby developing inside you will be the mixture of both mother and father's genetics. However, the scientific facts are frequently overwhelmed by the prevailing myths in our society and people keep following them obediently, as they believe that the tradition must go on. Hence, if you are always a firm believer of the traditional facts that has been descended by our elders from generation, here are the list of foods that will help you to have a fair color of your baby, when it gets birth in this world.

Food to Eat During Pregnancy to have a Fair Baby

Saffron with M ilk

This is one of the most coveted tradition that the woman who consumes saffron milk quite often at the time of her pregnancy, she will get a fair colored baby. It is strongly believed that the ingredients of saffron help to make the baby skin fair. In fact, we are also told to drink milk with added saffron to improve the tone of the skin to fair. However, despite it fulfils your requirement of having a fair baby, it is also full of good ingredients that you can take during pregnancy and reap its benefits.

Coconut and Coconut Water

Very strong contender of improving the skin color of your baby during pregnancy. It is quite convincing as well which is recommended to you to eat lots of coconut kernel when pregnant to have a fair baby. According to the beliefs in our country, coconut kernel helps you to deliver a fair skin baby. Apart from it, you can also consume, coconut water to have a fair baby during pregnancy. Lots of India women strictly consume coconut water to have a success in their mission.

Take Milk

Milk is an inevitable food for the pregnant woman. Even it is not for the purpose of having a fair baby. The nutritional facts of milk can boost your pregnancy health and if it is believed to be good to have fair baby, it is just an icing over the cake to follow it. It is also good for the development of the foetus.

Eat Egg

It is another essential food to eat during pregnancy. However, in order to get a fair baby it is recommended to start taking egg whites on a regular basis to im

prove your intended chances. It is full of amino acid which a very crucial for the overall health of a pregnant woman.

Consume G hee

Adding ghee in our diet will help you to improve the skin tone of the developing baby in your womb. Apart from it, ghee has certain dietary benefits as well. The women who consume ghee on a consistent basis, research says that give birth less painfully.

Grape Juice

Another invigorated intake option for pregnant women. Grape juice is full of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), which consist of a known factor to make the color of the baby fair. So every pregnant woman should consume grape juice. You can consume almost 60 ml of grape juice twice a day or at least once a day. Apart from providing assistance to your baby to grow a fair color, it also prevents your baby from a plenty of diseases such as, dental pain, giddiness, swelling, acidity and constipation.


It is recommended to the pregnant women that they should take soaked or dried almonds to deliver a fair-complexioned baby, as almonds are known to improve the color of the baby. You can also grind few almonds and add it in your milk and consume it. It also make add nutrition in the milk and enhance the efficacy of almonds as well.


All citrus fruits generally contribute to produce a fair complexion baby and it is deemed to be a good fruit to consume during the pregnancy term. It is rich in vitamin C which is an essential ingredient for our skin. It also helps in the growth of the baby, however improves the skin tone of the baby at the same time.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are considered good for digesting the food. At the same time, it is a good option for the preg Fennel seeds nant ladies to consume soaked fennel seeds in water and drink it in the morning as their first intake. It will help them to confront the nausea, as well as improves the skin color of the baby.

You can try these tips and find out the results. Many women may not eat all the prescribed stuffs, but you can intake as many of them as possible to increase your chances of having a fair and healthy baby.

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What Should Pregnant Ladies Eat to Get a Fair Child
