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Can I Drink Coffee With Heavy Cream for Ketosis Diet

About Heavy Cream on Keto Diet

People tend to ask, is heavy cream keto approved? The truth of the matter is that heavy cream can serve as meal substitutes for low-carb diets. It contains energizing fats which are believed to help in weight loss on this type of diet. Most people placed on low-carbohydrate diets often feel constrained in their choice of meal. This is because they have to prepare a different variety of food that will help them lose weight and stay healthier. And this can be a challenging task. But with keto diets, you don't need to bother about these restrictions or wonder "how is heavy cream keto compliant?"

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One of the best ways to deal with these restrictions is to leverage keto-friendly foods. A perfect example is the keto heavy cream popularly known in the keto community as HWC (Heavy Whipping Cream). Heavy cream has a lot of culinary applications. You can ideally use it to make whipped cream and butter, add the creaminess of soups or coffee, and lots more.

In this article, we'll discuss everything you need to know about heavy cream, alongside its uses, nutritional benefits, downsides, and if it is keto-approved or not. Within the next few minutes, you'll be able to answer the question; is heavy cream keto approved? Sit back, relax, and enjoy reading till the end.

is heavy cream keto

What Is Heavy Cream Keto?

Heavy cream (which is popularly known as heavy whipping cream ) is a cream with a high-fat percentage (36-40%) of raw milk fat ( 2 ). Fresh, raw dairy milk separates naturally into milk and cream.

The high proportion of fat in keto heavy whipping cream invariably means you can heat it under high temperature without coagulating it. Furthermore, you can also whip it quickly, which is how you make whipped cream toppings.

Since it is low-carb and high-fat, heavy cream is perfect and ideal for keto dieters. You can also use it to prepare all keto dishes, keto desserts, and keto-friendly baked meals.

Read More: Keto For Women Over 40: How To Make This Diet Work For You

is heavy cream keto

Nutritional Facts of Keto Heavy Cream

Heavy cream is mostly fat. It is also rich in essential minerals, fat-soluble vitamins, and choline. 1½ cup of heavy cream contains:

  • Calories: 400
  • Carbs: 3 grams
  • Protein: 3 grams
  • Choline: 4% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
  • Vitamin K: 3% of the RDI
  • Fat: 43 grams
  • Phosphorus: 7% of the RDI
  • Vitamin E: 7% of the RDI
  • Calcium: 7% of the RDI
  • Vitamin A: 35% of the RDI
  • Vitamin D: 10% of the RDI

Some people speculate that heavy whipping cream mainly contains saturated fat, which contributes to heart disease complications. However, a recent review by a team of professional nutritionists reveals that there is no connection whatsoever between heart disease and the consumption of dairy fat ( 3 ). The evidence further shows that fermented dairy products may even have a positive effect on cardiovascular health..

Keto heavy cream also contains soluble vitamins like Vitamins A, D, E, & K, and choline, which all play essential roles in maintaining healthy living ( 1 ).

For instance, Vitamin A is vital for immune function and eye health, while choline is essential for metabolism and brain development.

Similarly, keto heavy whipping cream contains two essential minerals (phosphorus and calcium), which play vital roles in healthy bone development ( 1 ).


Difference Between whipping Cream and Heavy whipping Cream

People often think heavy whipping cream and whipping cream are the same. But there is a slight difference between them. Dairy creams are categorized based on their fat content. Heavy cream and heavy whipping cream both contain at least 36% milkfat.

Whipping cream, which is also known as light whipping cream, on the other hand, is lighter and contains about 30-35% milkfat. Heavy whipping cream is high in fat and provides rich nutrients. Whipping cream, on the other hand, is lower in fat.

Heavy whipping cream due to its high-fat content produces a thicker whipped cream compared to the light whipping cream ( 2 ). The light whipping cream provides airy whipped cream.

Is Heavy Cream Keto Approved?

Fat plays a vital role in digesting fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K ( 4 ). Heavy cream is a high fat/low carb diet. Therefore, it may support weight loss and minimize sugar crashes. This means that heavy cream is keto-approved.

On the keto diet, your body system works in a ketosis state where fat is burning as a primary source of fuel. Fats are converted to ketones, which are a form of useful energy vital for maintaining healthy living. One significant advantage of consuming keto and low-carb diets like heavy cream is that over time, your body gets used to burning fat without glucose. Your body system will work like a fat-burning machine.

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is heavy cream keto

How to Use Heavy Cream on Keto

Below are some ways of using heavy cream on keto diets:

1. Use Heavy Cream for Boosting Your Coffee

Coffee is keto-friendly because it has no carbs and contains a natural metabolism boosting agent – caffeine. When you consume caffeinated products like coffee, your body will naturally burn more calories even without engaging in any physical activity.

Therefore, if you drink coffee with heavy cream, your body will have more energy and still be in a state of ketosis (fat-burning state).

2. Use Heavy Cream for Preparing Keto Desserts

Concocting a low-carb, delicious, baked, and high-fat desserts is one of the most exciting ways of using heavy cream on keto diets. You can decide to whip or bake using heavy cream. Different keto desserts use heavy cream like the low-carb keto cheesecake with chocolate ganache.


Frequently Asked Questions About Keto Heavy Cream

How Much Heavy Whipping Cream Can I Have on Keto?

The amount of heavy whipping cream you can have on a keto diet per day depends on you as an individual. Keto heavy whipping cream is dense in terms of calorific value, and when it comes to fat/weight loss, the goal is to decrease the number of calories. Therefore, how much heavy cream on keto you can have depends on the number of macros and calories you have. And where the keto heavy cream can fit into the numbers. If you don't know how many macros or calories to eat on your keto meals, you can use the keto macro calculator to determine it.

How Much Heavy Cream Can You Have on Keto?

Heavy cream contains little amount of carbohydrate. It also includes a high proportion of dietary fat. This is the primary reason why it is a perfect addition to keto diets. However, since heavy cream contains high calories, you can easily consume more than the amount needed by your body. 1½ cup of heavy cream contains about 400 calories. Therefore if you want to lose weight, you may need to cut down the amount of heavy cream you use on your keto diets.


What Kind of Heavy Cream to Use for Keto?

There are different kinds of heavy creams. However, not all of them are suitable for keto diets. The type of heavy cream to use for keto should be carb-free, sugar-free, keto-friendly, organic, and carrageenan-free.

How to Make Keto Coffee with Heavy Cream

You can easily prepare rich keto coffee using the easy keto coffee cream recipe.

Ingredients Needed:

  • 1/2 cup of heavy cream (4 oz/118 ml)
  • 1 tbsp of low carb sugar (not required with stevia glycerite)
  • 1/2 cup of full-fat coconut milk (4 oz/118 ml)
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract (or your favorite)
  • 1/4 tbsp of salt
  • 1½ tbsp of stevia glycerite


  • Shake the coconut milk can to evenly distribute and break-up the topmost layer of the coconut cream.
  • Open the can of coconut milk and stir to break all lumps using a long-handle spoon.

You can then go ahead to make the keto coffee with heavy cream using any of the methods below.

Read More: 30 Day Keto Challenge: Will Upping Your Fat Intake Help You Lose Weight?


Powdered Stevia Method

  • Get a clean glass jar.
  • Add 1 tbsp of sugar and salt into it.
  • Measure eight servings KAL Pure Stevia into the mixture and stir together.
  • Add coconut milk, heavy cream, and flavor to the glass and shake vigorously to blend and dissolve the low carb sugar.

Stevia Glycerite Method

  • Add all the ingredients mentioned above and vigorously blend.
  • Cover the glass jar using a tight-fitting lid and store in the refrigerator for about a week.



Heavy whipping cream is essential for maintaining a low-carbohydrate and ketogenic lifestyle. We believe that with the information we have provided, you can now confidently answer the question is heavy cream keto approved?

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This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!


  1. Calcium, Essential for Health (2016,
  2. Cream: Types of Cream (2016,
  3. Dairy Fats and Cardiovascular Disease: Do We Really Need to be Concerned? (2018,
  4. Which Vitamins are Water Soluble and Fat Soluble? (2018,

Can I Drink Coffee With Heavy Cream for Ketosis Diet
