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Epic Doesn't Regret Microsoft Exclusivity


Epic Games Colorado-founder Mark Rein has expressly denied claims made past psychoanalyst Michael Pachter that the Gears of State of war studio regrets signing connected with Microsoft to wee-wee the game exclusively for the Xbox 360.

Speaking with GameTrailers' Geoff Keighley along Bonus Snipe, notoriously outspoken psychoanalyst Michael Pachter aforementioned he believed Epic was starting to regret sign language an exclusivity mickle with Microsoft for Gears of War, and that it no longer made common sense for 3rd-party publishers to stick with one platform and ace platform alone.

"I think back the Epic guys backside't wait until they can start up doing multiplatform games," said Pachter. "I think that Microsoft has a contract to make sure that they get that sequel, merely I think Epic regrets signing that contract … You're up to 11 million PS3 in the US and probably a correspondent number in Europe, and you've got a 20 trillion addressable market with a game like Gears of War. I mean, that thing would easily sell 3 or 4 million on the PS3 and that's a lot of profit."

These comments were picked up by VG247 yesterday, when they were rebutted in the comments by a surprising source – no to a lesser extent than Larger-than-life co-founder Mark Rein himself. "Michael is wrong. We have a great human relationship with Microsoft and we have no declination," Rein stated, going on to lay the verbal smacketh-weak happening one of the opposite commenters who claimed that Larger-than-life had been unsuccessfully shopping the game around before Microsoft picked it up (and had to fight tooth-and-arrest to proceed the chainsaw melee combat in).

So there you go, people – Epic doesn't repent signing aweigh with the Planetary hous of Gates after all. It's a echt thing, too, because Gears of State of war is one of the console's powerhouse titles. What would Microsoft ever do without a G* of War of their very own?

I'm still waiting for Grapes of War on the Nintendo Wii, myself.

